Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Graduate

I hope your not here for an affair because the party is on the next blog over. However you are welcome to stay and read on about the famously known movie the graduate. In my opinion the graduate was an excellent film and had some amazing actors like Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman. Mike Nichols was a genius in his organization of this comedy because it wasn’t full of comedic slang but was more in the scene and how believable Ben was. Ben just appeared like a normal guy and was very believable with his stuttering and nervous nature. It made you picture yourself in his situation where the people your meeting with are just your parents friends.

There was some great use of symbols in the film like when he was in his scuba suit all alone at the bottom of the pool. It was like he was in the fish tank in his room. He was trapped and had no where to go. I think that is why he decided to see Mrs. Robinson in the first place. So he could control his own life instead of his parents. He was rebelling as was the rest of the 60’s. That’s why Elaine decided to run off with Ben instead of staying with the married man. Its either that or she is very forgiving and trusting because I don’t think I could live with that fact. I would definitely give the movie an 8.5 out of 10 for superb acting, great plotline, and good music selection.

The Graduate was great overall, it had everything to be successful, even a sequel where BB is at it again. The music had perfect timing and some scenes were very memorable. I think a lot of the film was about age. Everyone was trying to stay young and in both films. It was the star who caused others to realize that their time was over and that they were old. And in both cases it made some bitter people. The film was the beginning of many copy cat scenes, like where he ran off with the bride. It has been an incredibly influential movie and a big success over the years. Here’s to you Mrs. Robinson.

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