Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Order of films I liked from the class

1) Dark Knight
2) Billy Madison
3) Secret Window
4) V for Vendetta
5) Simpson's
6) Never Back Down
7) Gone with the Wind
8) The Graduate
9) Ben Hur
10) Psycho
11) Rumor Has It
12) Citizen Kane
13) Cinema Paradiso
14) The worst, singular most awful movie ever, you will never get that hour and a half back, The Forest for the Trees. (and I've never given a bad rating, this seems to be my only exception)

Billy Madison

Humorous Scenes in the spectacular movie of Billy Madison:
1) When Mrs. Lippy is doing her crazy dance during "special time" when kids get to play dodgeball. - I think this was funny because she could dance about as well as I can.
2) When Billy eats the glue. -I remember watching other kids eat glue as a kid and I always thought it was dumb and this scene was funny because it was an adult who was doing it.
3) When Billy is waiting for the bus and is singing his "Back to School" song. - Because no matter how old you get, you always seem to be a little nervous on your first day back.
4) After Billy gets his father to agree on letting him get the company if he can pass school, he starts dancing. - I just like random and stupid humor.
5) When the bus driver eats all the little kids lunches. - I have never known a nice bus driver it seems like, and it was funny to see one take revenge on the kids that probably didn't like him either.
6) When Billy called the nerd from his high school and apologized. Then he crossed him off his "to kill" list and put on lipstick. - It was funny because it looked like he really screwed up someone's life and suddenly he was forgiven like nothing happened.
7) During the final scenes of the movie when Billy tried to make up an answer about the industrial revolution and the principal calls him an idiot. - Every student has tried to think on their feet for answers at some time or another, and most of the time it doesn't work.
8) At the graduation when he decides to become a teacher. - I have seen some bad teachers and Billy would definately be worse, so it was funny how someone like that could make it to an important position.
9) When the O'Doyle's drive off the cliff and crash after Billy said he thought something extremely bad would happen. - This was just one of those things you laugh at.

Synopsis of: The Forest For the Tree's

The Forest for the Trees
This movie started out with a young teacher fresh from college who landed a job in an inner city in Germany. She had trouble gaining dominance over her class and allowed them to do as they wished. She continuously struggled through her classes and tried to figure out how to get them to behave. She also wanted to have friends but couldn't seem to make any so she took up stalking. She repeatedly failed and caused any people that cared about her, to push her out of their lives. She eventually gave up and decided to end her life so she drove out and let go of her steering wheel and got into the back seat. Although it never showed if she died, she just looked at the forest as the car drove itself.

Comparison's of Secret Window to Psycho

Secret Window Compared to Psycho

  • Similarities:
    - Norman Bates and Mort Rainey both had multiple personalities and killed people that interrupted their lives.
    - They both kept corpses in or near their homes.
    - They were both unaware of when exactly they were killing.
    - In the end the killer personalities got the best of them.
    - None of the cops paid any attention to the situation until it got out of hand.
    - They both used hand to hand weapons instead of guns.
  • Differences:
    - Mort didn’t think he was his mom.
    - Norman didn’t have a wife who had cheated on him.
    - Mort got away because they never found the bodies.
    - Norman stored his corpses in the swamp.
    - Mort put his in his garden where he grew corn.
    - In the end it seemed like Mort was back to his old self while Norman was going to permanently be his own “mother”

Monday, March 2, 2009


10 scenes demenstrating how unforgiven clint really is...

1) The opening scene where he is struggling to separate his pigs and continuously fails.
2) He goes to Ned's and the wife gives him the evil eye because she thinks he's still the same man.
3) The wife's grave is a continuous reminder of his past.
4) When he kills the first cowboy he tells them to give the cowboy some water and looks like he regrets his decision.
5) When Ned leaves because he can't handle it anymore and Will doesn't want him to leave him alone.
6) When he talks to the Sheriff's about his past and how he killed every beast thats walked this earth and he will do it again.
7) When he let the boy shoot the 2nd cowboy on the toilet because he didn't want to bring himself to do it again.
8) When the girl brought the money and told them Ned was dead, he picked up his bottle and took his gun to go get revenge.
9) When Will didn't want to say his real name because he was afraid of the public's response.
10) When he starts drinking wiskey again because he can't forgive himself for whats happened.