Friday, January 30, 2009

The Simpson's Movie

The Simpson’s Movie

“Spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does…” If only I could do half of what they do in this movie. I mean Homer was doing motorcycle tricks and defying death like no other, while at the same time producing gut busting comedy for a rapt audience. It was definitely a good use of two hours time. It was very funny for a first time Simpson watcher like myself. The creator’s weren’t afraid to make fun of anything or anyone which is crucial for any comedy. I would give two thumbs up to David Silverman, Matt Groening, and James L. Brooks for the creation of something so funny.

There was a great plot in the movie where Homer pollutes the lake of Springfield to a new level. “Springfield has become...” – (Russ Cargill)

“Woooo! Springfield!” – (Man)

“ ...the most polluted city in the history of the planet.” – (Russ Cargill)

“Drama queen!” – (Krusty the Clown)

And like most people they just tend to ignore it until dome sweet dome is right on top of them. The city soon after turns into chaos as people are running everywhere and an angry mob try to hang Homer and his family. They managed to escape through a sinkhole and the townspeople think that “They're China's problem now”. Needless to say, some ridiculous things are said and are incredibly funny along with many scenes that are flat out unbelievable. I would give this movie a 9 out of 10 for its great comedy and plotline.

I don’t really know how to comment on this movie’s acting other than whoever drew the characters in motion did it well, even if they are all yellow. I think that whoever made some of the lines up that turned into quotes deserves a pat on the back. A lot of them are true which causes them to be funny like.

“S-sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power...” – (EPA Official)

“Of course I have. You ever tried going mad without power? It's boring. No one listens to you!” – (Russ Cargill)
Or “But I'm so angry.” – (Lisa)

“ You're a woman. You can hold on to it forever.” – (Marge)
Then along with those there are some pointless ones which I won’t list but you get the point.

Overall this was a great movie that I honestly wouldn’t have watched because I’ve never followed the Simpson’s and this was my first viewing. I can tell you that I might have to change that around a little bit because it was just a so-stupid-it’s-funny kind of show. It really is hard to comment on an animated film but the few people who did all those voices were very convincing, because I didn’t realize it until the credits. I would definitely recommend you take a little time to watch this movie.

Cinema Paradiso

Top 10 Scenes of Cinema Paradiso

1) The last scene of the movie where Toto is watching all of the kissing scenes that Alfredo had edited out in his lifetime.

2) When Alfredo had to cheat off Toto's test in school so he would pass the exam.

3) When Toto says "Hey, Alfredo! Up yours!"

4) During Toto's school days when one of his friends moves away because his father was a communist.

5) The period of time that Alfredo waited outside of Elena's house.

6) When Toto finally gave up on Elena and walked back to the paradiso.

7) When Toto fell asleep as the bell boy in the middle of the church service during the opening of the movie.

8) In the beginning of the movie when Toto faked a leg injury to ride with Alfredo.

9) When Toto figured out his father had died and the picture of him burned away.

10) My final Top 10 scene from Cinema Paradiso is, when the fire burns the old Paridiso and Toto goes in to save him but unfortunately Alfredo loses his sight.

Friday, January 23, 2009


  • “We all go a little mad sometimes.(” And you would definitely be mad to not watch one of the great movies known as “Psycho”. So many depictions and scenes have been borrowed from this movie that to know the origin is great and not to mention some awesome plot line. I would definitely give this film an 8.5 out of 10. The story was amazing and the acting was the best it could be. Alfred Hitchcock put together a great movie supported by a great team of convincing actors.
  • This movie was the beginning of many scenes like the “shower scene”. I can’t remember a horror film or series that didn’t have some form of scene similar to this where some poor innocent actor gets yanked. It completely fooled me because here I thought she was in for the stalking of a lifetime and that the movie would be all about her, but then they turn it around and go “hah! Gotcha, the movie is really about Norman Bates" it just stunned me. This guy is so crazy he would probably need enough tranquilizer to bring down a bull elephant to sedate him. Then there was the “big creepy house on the hill while it was raining scene”, if Marion had watched her Scooby Doo she would have realized that was a sign of trouble from the get go and maybe survived.
  • Then there was the final twist when Norman was his own mother. She was actually a corpse and Norman pretended she was still alive because he couldn’t bear the thought that he had killed his own mom. I guess that’s what happens when “A boy’s best friend is his mother.(” It’s so disturbing it truly earned the title Psycho.
  • Overall a great film, yes I do understand some of the scenes were a little corny like how the knife never actually appeared to stab the victim or when Arbogast fell down the stairs and didn’t tumble, but it’s more in the imagination than the film. It played to your emotions well, like when that knife came down you pictured it hitting the victim even though it didn’t. It was just convincing that he was really going to kill you. I would definitely recommend that you watch this film, soon! It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship between horror films, shower scenes and “Well, if it doesn't jell, it isn't aspic, and this ain't jellin'!” which basically means confusion throughout the show. Who doesn’t like the twists in a homicidal plot?

Ben Hur

Podcast Link:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Graduate

I hope your not here for an affair because the party is on the next blog over. However you are welcome to stay and read on about the famously known movie the graduate. In my opinion the graduate was an excellent film and had some amazing actors like Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman. Mike Nichols was a genius in his organization of this comedy because it wasn’t full of comedic slang but was more in the scene and how believable Ben was. Ben just appeared like a normal guy and was very believable with his stuttering and nervous nature. It made you picture yourself in his situation where the people your meeting with are just your parents friends.

There was some great use of symbols in the film like when he was in his scuba suit all alone at the bottom of the pool. It was like he was in the fish tank in his room. He was trapped and had no where to go. I think that is why he decided to see Mrs. Robinson in the first place. So he could control his own life instead of his parents. He was rebelling as was the rest of the 60’s. That’s why Elaine decided to run off with Ben instead of staying with the married man. Its either that or she is very forgiving and trusting because I don’t think I could live with that fact. I would definitely give the movie an 8.5 out of 10 for superb acting, great plotline, and good music selection.

The Graduate was great overall, it had everything to be successful, even a sequel where BB is at it again. The music had perfect timing and some scenes were very memorable. I think a lot of the film was about age. Everyone was trying to stay young and in both films. It was the star who caused others to realize that their time was over and that they were old. And in both cases it made some bitter people. The film was the beginning of many copy cat scenes, like where he ran off with the bride. It has been an incredibly influential movie and a big success over the years. Here’s to you Mrs. Robinson.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Top 10 Movie List

1) The Dark Knight
2) I am Legend
3) Saving Private Ryan
4) Gladiator
5) The Lord of the Rings Series
6) Saw Series
7) Pirates of the Caribbean Series
8) James Bond Movies
9) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
10) Bourne Series