Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Billy Madison

Humorous Scenes in the spectacular movie of Billy Madison:
1) When Mrs. Lippy is doing her crazy dance during "special time" when kids get to play dodgeball. - I think this was funny because she could dance about as well as I can.
2) When Billy eats the glue. -I remember watching other kids eat glue as a kid and I always thought it was dumb and this scene was funny because it was an adult who was doing it.
3) When Billy is waiting for the bus and is singing his "Back to School" song. - Because no matter how old you get, you always seem to be a little nervous on your first day back.
4) After Billy gets his father to agree on letting him get the company if he can pass school, he starts dancing. - I just like random and stupid humor.
5) When the bus driver eats all the little kids lunches. - I have never known a nice bus driver it seems like, and it was funny to see one take revenge on the kids that probably didn't like him either.
6) When Billy called the nerd from his high school and apologized. Then he crossed him off his "to kill" list and put on lipstick. - It was funny because it looked like he really screwed up someone's life and suddenly he was forgiven like nothing happened.
7) During the final scenes of the movie when Billy tried to make up an answer about the industrial revolution and the principal calls him an idiot. - Every student has tried to think on their feet for answers at some time or another, and most of the time it doesn't work.
8) At the graduation when he decides to become a teacher. - I have seen some bad teachers and Billy would definately be worse, so it was funny how someone like that could make it to an important position.
9) When the O'Doyle's drive off the cliff and crash after Billy said he thought something extremely bad would happen. - This was just one of those things you laugh at.

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